Advanced R.C.T ( single sitting )

The pulp is a thread like structure present in the root of the tooth. When it gets diseased or injured, the pulp tissue dies. If it is not removed, it causes infection in the tooth which leads to severe pain. This can further cause a dental abscess.

Hence a root canal treatment is performed to prevent the spread of the infection and save the tooth. After the pulp is removed, the root canal is cleaned and disinfected and a sealant is placed to protect it. Following root canal treatment, a crown is generally placed over the treated tooth to make it strong and restore its function again.

At Dr. Paulami Parmar , the most advanced and modern technology is available, making root canal treatment a single sitting process in most cases, with minimum or no discomfort to the patient.

Benefits of Root Canal Treatment at Dr. Amit

Relatively simple procedure with little or no discomfort.

Added benefit as Dr Kadali is an endodontist (Root Canal Specialist).